Marathon Training
What Is It?
9 Month challenging training program designed to train people to run a marathon (26.2) or half marathon (13.1). Runners, novice or those that have not run in years are all welcome to train and participate with the Kingdom Running Club program.
All participants are strongly urged to seek medical advice before starting this or any physically challenging training program
We meet every Saturday for both in-class and on the road training.
During 2024 all Classes will be Online and Virtual via Zoom.
2 ½ Months in-class training sessions cover mind renewal, nutrition, fitness/strength, gear and more.
The 2 ½ Months of in-class training will take place on Online and via Zoom.
In-Class sessions meet for 2 ½ 3hours. Some classes may run a little longer (those will be announced).
In-Class sessions times will be announced TBD. There will be some early runs given out before class start times.
6 Months of on the road training consists of your weekly long and short runs.
On-the-road meeting times will be announced and will always be scheduled. For those joining virtually we will announce meet times before and after the run.
Additional Details
It is expected that you will work out 5 to 6 days a week on your own; this includes 2 mid-week short runs. Note: training for this will be provided.
Members are expected to not miss more than 3 consecutive classes to remain an active KRC member (i.e. 3 consecutive weeks of classes).
You are responsible for your own race registration: Kingdom Running Club (KRC) will participate as a team in the Fox Valley half/full marathon and or 20 miles and Naperville half marathon. Other races will be announced.
What You Will Need
You will need to purchase running shoes an estimated 3 pairs for running.
Watch and/or timing device that you carry and bring to all runs.
Running clothing for summer, winter, and fall.
Running accessories: belt, water bottle, and items for nutrition.
Ready To Register?
Health and Wellness Training
What Is It?
2 ½ month training program designed to train people interested in taking control of their health and fitness. Participants will be taught lifelong skills to change their lives. Training is not a fad program or quick fix solution; it is for individuals desiring to become healthier and more fit for life.
All participants are strongly urged to seek medical advice before starting this training program.
We meet every Saturday. All Classes in will be Online and Virtual via Zoom.
2 ½ Months in-class training sessions cover mind renewal, nutrition, fitness/strength training, gear and more.
The 2 ½ Months of in-class training will take place on Online and via Zoom.
In-Class sessions meet for 2 ½ to 3 hours. Some classes may run a little longer (those will be announced).
In-Class sessions times will be announced TBD. There will be some early runs given out before class start times.
Additional Details
It is expected that you will work out 5 to 6 days a week on your own utilizing the class instructions provided. That you will actively participate in the team challenges throughout the program. Working out and team challenges are designed to promote health and fitness and to replace old habits with new ones!
Participants are expected not to miss more than 3 consecutive classes as we are training our bodies and spirts for better health and fitness.
What You Will Need
We will demo food and drink items.
In order to make these items at home you will need juicer, blender and food items.